Small Group Questions

Screenshot questions for your small group discussions

Questions from May 12th, 2024

“Narrow Door”

Read Luke 13:22-30

  1. How do you react to situations that make you change a habit/behavior/mindset? Do you have any experinces you could share with the group?

  2. How can we reinvision this narrow door as a church? How can we see this as a hopeful promise from Jesus? How would that change the conversation?

  3. What kind of barriers do you put in front of yourself in your Christian walk? What barriers have you overcome in the past? Try to be speicific. (Traditions, flawed legalistic doctrine, etc.)

  4. Read Luke 11:1-13

    How do these verses give weight to “making every effort to enter the narrow door” we find in Luke 13? How can you personally strive towrds this in your life?

  5. Are you trying to save yourself by following Jesus? Or, are you following Jesus becasue of his love for us? Is there a difference or are we mincing words? Discuss.

  6. Act. How can we show the world that stiving towards the open door is worth doing? Who do we need to share this vision/mission with in our lives?

Questions from May 5th, 2024

“Normal Business Hours”

Read Luke 13:10-21

  1. What has been your relationship with “Spiritual rest” in your life? Do you feel like it is something you struggle to do, why? What would Jesus say about your current relationship to resting in him?

  2. Why was it important for Jesus to perform miracles during his life? How does this miracle effect his overall teaching in this passage?

  3. “Sunday morning should be a celebration of what is happening during the week.” - John Magnuson.

    How can we lean into this Spirit more? How can our Spiritual lives revovle around Sunday less, and be a part of our everyday lives more?

  4. Do you feel like we underestimate the power of the Kingdom in our lives? How can we choose to follow Jesus outside of our “normal business hours” mindset of church?

  5. Do you feel like your Spiritual life is mundane? Have you ever been through a time where you felt like you were going therough the motions? What do you need/how did you get through that time?

  6. Act. Spreading the Kingdom of God is our responsibility, no one is exempt from this. How can you challenge yourself to breakout of your natural rhythms and tap into what Jesus might be calling you to do? Name something specific you intended to do to shake up your Spiritual life and share Jesus with others. Pray that your group can work together in this effort.

Questions from April 27, 2024

“The Patient Gardener”

Read Luke 12:54-13:9

  1. Do you have any experience with gardening? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Discuss with the group.

  2. Have you ever experienced an injustice in your life? How did it make you feel? What were your reactions and responses to that situation or person?

  3. How have we overlooked the reality of God’s grace AND judgment in our lives? How would our lives look differently if we acknowledged it more?

  4. How can we avoid the lifestyle of the barren fig tree in Luke 13?

  5. Read Jeremiah 24. What are the implications for God’s people today?

  6. Act. God is calling this small group to bear fruit together. What will we do before our next meeting to live this out and share this with others?